根據 www.youarewhatyoulike.com 分析個人喜好評估個性,如下:
Liberal and artistic
rather than conservative
and traditional
This trait refers to the extent to which you prefer novelty versus convention.
Based on what you like, you are intellectually curious and appreciative of what you consider beautiful, no matter what others think. You might say that your imagination is vivid and makes you more creative than many others, You are not beholden to tradition.
Spontaneous and flexible
versus well-organized
This trait refers to the extent to which you prefer organised, or a flexible, approach in life.
From what you like, you are spontaneous and fun, and you like to do unexpected things that make life that bit more interesting. You might admit that you are not completely unreliable - you have been known to slip up on occasion!
Shy and reserved
rather than outgoing
and active
This trait refers to the extent to which you enjoy company, and seek excitement and stimulation.
From what you like, you enjoy social occasions but mostly with close friends and otherwise you would say that they are not all-important. Sometime it is nice to step back for a while and have a quiet night in.
Calm and relaxed
as opposed to stressed
This trait refers to the way you cope with, and respond to, the demands of life.
your like suggest you are calm and emotionally stable. You come across to others as someone who is rarely bothered by things, and when they do get you down the feeling does not persist for very long.
Assertive and competitive
rather than warm, trusting and cooperative
This trait refers to the way you express your opinions and manage relationships
People who like the same things you do can find it difficult to get along with others when they first meet, as they can be suspicious of their motives. Over time though people warm to you, and you to them, although that does not stop you telling them 'how it is'. You are probably more competitive than others.
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